is 23,254,997 people stopping big corporations from behaving badly.

See our impact

We win campaigns.

We use our power as consumers, workers and investors to hold the biggest companies in the world to account.

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We're global.

Mollweide map 966ec183
Government scraps plans for xenophobic 'foreign workers lists'.
France bans bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides.
Oregon, USA
Hood River County will not allow Nestlé to bottle their water.
Newmont Mining scraps environmentally destructive Conga project.
FMO pulls funding from Agua Zarca dam project after murder of Berta Cáceres.
McDonalds agrees to a zero-deforestation palm oil policy.
Standard Chartered abandons investment in reef-killing mine project.
New Zealand
Stopped corporate buyout of water in drought-prone Canterbury Plains.
South Africa
Australia scraps funding for Boikarabelo mine in South Africa that puts locals and environment at risk.

We're making headlines.

Our community is made up of millions of people who believe a fairer, more sustainable economy is possible.
